Dhutia H, Sharma S. Playing it safe:exercise and cardiovascular health. Practitioner 2015; 259 (1786):15-20

Playing it safe:exercise and cardiovascular health

21 Oct 2015Registered users

Regular physical activity controls acquired cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia. Exercise is generally associated with a 50% reduction in adverse events from coronary artery disease. Active individuals are at lower risk of developing certain malignancies including cancer of the prostate and the colon, osteoporosis, depression and dementia. Individuals who exercise regularly extend their life expectancy by three to seven years. Healthy individuals should engage in 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. Even lower volumes of exercise confer health benefits, which is highly relevant to individuals with established cardiac disease including heart failure.

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