A hundred years ago: Treatment of placenta praevia. Practitioner 2016;260 (1797):30

Treatment of placenta praevia

24 Oct 2016Pais-up subscribers

Some years ago, a practitioner sent for me to attend to a case of placenta praevia in which haemorrhage had recurred. When I arrived, she was almost in extremis, with a pulse of 160, and severe bleeding. The placenta was presenting and bulging into the vagina. I turned, left the breech plugging the lower uterine segment, and proceeded to transfuse her, but she sank and died quickly. I do not think anything could have saved her. This case left on my mind a deep impression of the perilous condition of a patient who has had one severe flooding due to placenta praevia. This is just the sort of case in which Caesarean section may help us to save mother and child. 

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