Practitioner 2011 – 255 (1746):24

100 years ago: The GP and the Medical Society

16 Dec 2011Registered users

By J. Mitchell Bruce, M.A., LL.D. (Hon.), MD, F.R.C.P. Presidential address delivered in 1911 before the Medical Society of London: 'Is the object of the Medical Society entirely fulfilled in the routine work of our meetings? I find that, whilst those who are in general practice constitute one-third of our number, only one communication in 15 comes from them – that they have read but four papers before the Society during the past 10 years...Let me call to mind some of the great things that have been accomplished by the family practitioner. I have but to mention the name of Edward Jenner, Fellow of our Society. Was not Koch a general practitioner; and Duchenne of Boulogne? And was it not the work that Manson did on filarial disease, when a practitioner in China, that led him to the induction of the relation of malaria to blood-sucking insects? Something short of the results of the achievements of these men in general practice would satisfy me.' 

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