150 years ago:A plea for compulsory vaccination in Scotland. Practitioner Feb 2019;263(1823):29

150 years ago: A plea for compulsory vaccination in Scotland

22 Feb 2019Registered users

The greater number of recipients did not come under the notice of the regular practitioner at all, but were dealt with by the midwife, a canny friend, or the father, or mother, armed with clasp-knife or darning needle. I remember one amateur vaccinator of great local repute, a “surgeon to old shoes,” the weapon of whose anti-varioloid warfare was his awl. Matter belonging to any stage of vaccinia, or even the scrapings from the moistened under-surface of the effete crust, after it had dropped off from the arm, served the purpose; and when the produce of this rude husbandry was a pimple or sore of any description, it sufficed. In not a few cases, protection from small-pox was never involved in any way.

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