Savill P. PPIs with aspirin in older patients lowers risk of major bleeds. Practitioner 2017;261(1806):5

PPIs with aspirin in older patients lowers risk of major bleeds

28 Jul 2017Registered users

A UK prospective population-based cohort study assessed the risk, time course, and outcomes of bleeding on antiplatelet treatment for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in patients of all ages. The authors concluded that in secondary prevention with aspirin-based antiplatelet treatment without routine PPI use, the long-term risk of bleeding at age 75 years or older is higher and more sustained than in the younger age groups included in previous trials, with particularly high risks of disabling or fatal upper GI bleeding. 'Given that half of the major bleeds in patients aged 75 years or older were upper GI, the estimated NNT for routine PPI use to prevent major upper GI bleed is low and co-prescription should be considered in future secondary prevention guidelines,' they say.

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